First Aid Kit For Dogs
What Is A First Aid Kit For Dogs?
Good pet parents are in tune with their pet’s health and wellbeing but even if you provide your pup with the appropriate diet, checks ups, grooming and lots of TLC—accidents and emergencies can still happen!
Be Prepared!
Just as you would create a go-to emergency kit for your family, it is a good idea to have one on hand for your pets as well. Knowing what to do and having the tools you need could save your pet’s life.
In an emergency, taking your baby straight to the closest Vet is recommended for all of the possibilities below, however, knowing what to do during those crucial first minutes is a must!
What Should Be In Your First Aid Kit For Dogs?
Alcohol based disinfectant
Antibiotic cream
Bandaging materials like gauze, rolled cotton, and self adhesives
Cotton balls
Hydrogen Peroxide
Cold pack
Checking Vital Signs: A good idea is to tape this information inside the lid of your doggie’s kit!
What Should Their Vital Signs Be?
Heart rate- 70-160 beats per minute
Respiration- 10-20 breaths per minute
Temperature- 101° -102° F
How to check:
Use a rectal thermometer to take the temperature
Check heart rate by placing hand over chest
Measure respiration by holding a wet finger in front of nostrils
Common Emergencies And What To Do:
Bee or Wasp Sting:
Neutralize the sting. For Bee stings use baking soda; for wasp stings use vinegar or lemon juice.
Apply cold pack
Apply antihistamine
Gently pull tongue forward and inspect mouth
If foreign object can be spotted gently remove by hand or tweezers
Heat Stroke:
Place in cool, shaded area
Immediately bathe in tepid water
Monitor rectal temperature
Cover and wounds with a clean cloth
If a fracture is suspected, gently stabilize limb for transport to your Vet
Examine vomit for clues as to what is causing it
Withhold all food and water until your Vet has been consulted
If poisoning is suspected, take a sample of toxic container in its original packaging to your Vet
Handling and transporting your pet to the nearest Vet is key but remember, a pet in pain is scared, so do not assume they will not bite or scratch during the trip. It is best not to try and hug or comfort them or put your face too close to their heads.
It is also a good idea to lightly wrap some gauze over a large dog’s mouth or wrap small dogs in a blanket. Do not try to lift or drag but instead try to improvise a stretcher- a throw rug, a sled, a board— just try to stabilize and keep them from moving around too much.
The most important thing to remember is to stay calm and seek medical attention immediately but knowing the cautionary steps to take will keep you focused and give your baby the best chance of survival.